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Category: Landlord Business

Maximising your property portfolio profits

The purchase of property to be let to tenants has become a widely popular form of investment. The returns on your investment come from two potential sources: the income you receive from rents; and in the longer term, any appreciation …

March Home Upkeep

Maintenance is something to think about throughout the year for any property owner. Only by keeping your home in a good state of repair can you get optimum enjoyment from it and maximise its capital value. Regular home maintenance also …

Landlord insurance and tenants

Renting out property can be a lucrative venture, but it comes with its fair share of responsibilities and complexities. A crucial aspect of this venture is understanding the dynamics of the relationship between a landlord and their tenants. In the …

Key takeaways from the Autumn Statement for landlords

If you’re a landlord, you’ll be taking more than a passing interest in the underlying state of the economy. The Autumn Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer might be just the time to find out what’s going on – …

Top tips on keeping your tenants happy

What’s the secret to a successful buy to let business? It’s really quite simple. You aim to generate an optimum rental income by keeping your property let to tenants while safeguarding the structure and fabric of your business asset. You …

Maximising your income

Some landlords seem to think that the key to maximising income from a buy to let business is simply to increase the rent. The level at which you pitch your rent, of course, has an important part to play but …

Landlords and the Levelling Up White Paper

One of the central planks of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s administration has been the promise to “level up” opportunities across a whole spectrum of economic and social spheres – to “transform the UK”. Some long-awaited detail about what this will …

Landlords: What is ahead for 2022?

If you are the landlord, it pays to keep abreast of anything that is likely to affect your buy to let business. Overlooking any new laws or regulations or simply being unprepared for those changes could cost you dearly. So, …

The pros and cons of using managing agents for your property

Should you manage a let property yourself or hand that particular job over to a letting agent? That’s a classic and much-debated question that has probably been around as landlords themselves – and there’s still no definitive answer. Here are …

Making the most of your let property

In making the most of your let property, you are following the same principles as making the most of any business asset – on the one hand ensuring that the asset contributes its utmost to the profits of your enterprise …